Theta Healing: How to Reach Your Full Potential Using It

It’s all the trend right now to do energy work. Energy work can’t be disregarded when it comes to being in tune with mindfulness, whether you use a meditation or happiness app, crystals, or have your own personal healer — and Theta Healing is one to pay attention to.

It’s a contemplative approach based on the fact that emotions and beliefs have an impact on us at the core, genetically, historically, and spiritually. It’s done in a theta brainwave state, which is a type of altered consciousness in which the brainwaves slow down to a relaxed condition.

What is Theta Healing Therapy?

Vianna Stibal, the founder of Theta Healing, has a long history of working in the fields of healing, energy work, and intuitive readings. She has merged the elements of a number of distinct fields into a single entity.

What is Theta Healing Technique?

Theta Brain Waves

The 4 primary brain waves provide us with measurements of our brain activity. When our minds are on high alert and our energy levels are high, we are in the Beta Wave state. This could indicate that we are anxious or paying more attention to something. When we are in the Alpha Wave, we are aware of our surroundings but comfortable and at ease. When we are in a deep slumber and all types of consciousness are turned off, we are in the Delta Wave. Theta Wave occurs when the conscious mind is sufficiently relaxed to allow direct access to the subconscious mind. Theta Healing accesses and uses the Theta Wave, which is a type of brain activity.


A guided Theta Healing meditation practice is intended to assist people connect to a sense of expansiveness, oneness, and connectivity while also nurturing self-love. During this meditation, you will be guided to a place filled with light, where you will be invited to dissolve all barriers and experience oneness with this light. You experience enlarged thinking, a connection to yourself as a universal being, and a connection to yourself as a co-creator on a perceptual level.

Digging / CBT

A digging process begins once you are in a conscious, expanded, relaxed state, similar to the area between sleep and wakefulness. This is the same as connecting with your subconscious mind to discover out where your fears, dreams, and mental barriers are located, as well as how these obstacles were developed and what needs to be reframed.

Frequently, you are pushed to the extremities of a best-case or worst-case scenario. So, if you are worried about failing in business, your genuine scary sentiments could stem from being homeless, without money, or being alone. These anxieties are identified and reframed. On the other hand, we may examine the most extreme source of achievement, which could result in feelings of overwhelm, overstretching, and exhaustion. Fears about this are brought to the surface once more to be reframed.


Muscle testing is utilized to get to the heart of what you’re feeling by bypassing the conscious mind. You’re invited to repeat certain disempowering or empowering remarks and determine the answer based on the strength of your body’s reaction. So, if someone asked you, “Do you fear success?” you would immediately say, “Of course not!” Your ego and conscious mind may laugh at the idea, but muscle testing may reveal that your body’s response to the statement, “I’m open to being a raving success!” is really weak.

Energy work

The benefits of Theta Healing are vast. You are encouraged to recognize that time and space are mental constructs rather than physical ones, thus the past can be healed in the present, the future may have been constructed in the past, and you may be so preoccupied with your future that you have no energy left for the here and now. The emphasis is on bringing your energies into the present moment.

A belief in God/ the Creator/ the Life Force, or the Higher Self

Everything in Theta Healing is based on the idea that there is a force at work that is greater than yourself. It makes no difference what you call it, and it has nothing to do with religion. However, you must be able to perceive that there is a broader picture, a reason for your being, and a force that drives you forward. You must accept that you are a piece of the puzzle, but that by connecting yourself with this creative energy, you can be directed to the highest good and best end in any given situation.

There are countless additional factors that come into play as you learn more about Theta Healing, but the list above in this blog provides you a good idea of what’s involved. As a magical being, welcome to yourself.

How Energy Healing Helps Cancer Patients?

Healers think that healing energy is all around us and that they have the ability to channel it. They think that energy has the ability to heal you. However, its use as a cancer treatment is not backed up by scientific data.

What is Healing?

Healing is frequently referred to as spiritual or energy healing.

Healing has been practiced for thousands of years. According to certain spiritual healers, the energy comes from a divine source. Other healers consider it to be a universal force.

Healing energy, according to healers, abounds all around us. They believe they have the ability to channel this energy. This calms you down and gives you a boost of energy. It also aids in the utilization of your natural self-healing skills. You can regain your balance, health, and well-being by following this procedure. They believe that by doing so, your immune system will be able to cure itself.

Healers, for example, claim that your body is already equipped to deal with illness, cuts, and injuries. Healing only stimulates your body’s ability to mend itself.

Love and care, according to another belief, generate energy. This may inspire your spirit to physically alter the course of your condition. It can, for example, shrink a tumor.

Types of Healing

There are different types of healing:

Contact healing

This is also known as the laying on of hands and occurs when the healer touches your body.

Therapeutic touch

In a meditative state, practitioners pass their hands above your body. This allows them to detect and fix any energy imbalances.

Absent healing

You don’t need to be in direct contact with your healer because they can transfer healing energy to you from afar.

Faith healing

Prayer is used by the healer.

Why people with cancer use it?

Healing is one of the most prevalent alternative therapies used by cancer patients. It helps patients feel more in control of their condition, just like many other complementary therapies.

This sort of therapy is promoted by healers as a natural technique to help you relax and cope with:

a) stress

b) anxiety

c) depression

They also expect that it will help with other cancer symptoms and adverse effects, such as:

a) pain

b) sickness

c) tiredness (fatigue)

Many cancer patients who utilize healing claim it makes them feel better. This could be due to the fact that a therapist spends time with them and comforts them in a relaxing setting. Being away from the bustle and stress of hospitals and treatment can be soothing.

Healing as a cancer treatment is not supported by scientific data. However, many people claim that it can help them relax, reduce tension, and relieve pain and anxiety. It may also increase one’s desire to live. Some research backs this up.

How you have it?

You can go to a healer on your own or in a group. If you meet with the healer alone, they will question you. They’ll want to know about your medical history as well as your mental state.

Wear loose or comfortable clothing and sit in a chair or lie down on a couch to receive the treatment. You may remove your shoes.

Sessions typically last 20 to 30 minutes, however, this can vary. During the sessions, the healer normally remains silent. In the background, they might play some soothing music.

The healer will pass their hands over the top of your body during the procedure. In some cases, they may use a mild touch.

Life-Changing Benefits of Dina Visram’s Theta Healing Procedures

Theta healing is a simple and powerful system of no-touch healing. This prominent remedy is used along with conventional medicine and requires extreme concentration. This technique has become globally popular, although maximum people still couldn’t realize its advantages.

Are you looking for the best theta healer? Dina Visram is a renowned soul ailment coach, who works to optimize your wellbeing. Her theta healing technique is magical and incredibly authorizing to eliminate your stress and offer you a peaceful life. Whether you are in search of clarity to remove errors, or simply want to attain career growth, she can assist you to get rid of several problems.

Dina Visram is a certified angel card reader, and a reiki master with years of experience in energetic clearings and chakra remedies – karmic, ancestral, past lives, and soul contracts. Her theta healing technique is an integrative approach to energy, which is a combination of meditation, science, spirituality, and psychology to ensure the life-transformation of clients.

Energy healing is versatile, which offers access to extreme consciousness, ensures pain relief and muscle relaxation, encourages creativity and problem-solving skills among individuals. This worldwide accepted remedy also makes your mind accessible to changes through different kinds of therapies, like hypnosis and subliminal messaging.


The following are associate advantages of energy healing techniques –

a) Offers Complete Healing To Your Mind & Body

b) Deep Relaxation & Excessive Stress Relief

c) Improves Emotional Connections With Self & Others

d) Reduces Anxiety

e) Encourages Creativity & Problem-Solving Skills

f) Heals Any Kind of Physical & Mental Illness

g) Shows The Right Track To Find Your Soulmate

h) Assistance To Grow Self-Confident

i) Reveals Your Perfect Career

j) Establishes Your Dreams & Career Goals

k) Makes Your Spiritual Connection Deeper

l) Frees You From Bad Habits & Addictions

m) Eliminates Unreasonable Fears & Phobias

n) Discovers Your Genius Potential

Therefore, if you want to make changes in your way of living, Dina Visram’s theta healing techniques are widely suggested. Her theta techniques can assist you in several ways, including a complete mental and physical medication, which you can never expect to get. Her expertise will also give you skills to achieve success in life.

If you were on medication, or need to get medication and want to enjoy continuous relaxation, you may choose to take this kind of therapy to manage all your symptoms efficiently. Dina Visram is an exceptional personality, clairvoyant, and soul alignment coach, who’s experienced in offering energy healings techniques.

Don’t just wait to suffer pains and sorrows. Contact Dina Visram today to book the best theta healing technique and attain overall successful life. Interested to explore more about reiki practices, astrology services, and energy healing techniques of Dina Visram? Give her a call at 973-689-5004, or send an email at now!

How a Certified Practitioner in ThetaHealing Can Help You Protect from Black Magic

Black magic is an umbrella term that refers to specific practices where certain measures are undertaken, and particular spells are cast for causing significant harm to one or more individuals.

Black magic can be performed on people in numerous ways, such as placing spells on their images, impregnating beverages or food articles with spells and offering them to the unsuspecting victim, casting spells on properties, putting spells on jewellery, hair accessories, apparel, and so forth.

In this blog, you’d learn how to protect yourself from black magic with the help of a veteran ThetaHealing professional.

How Could a Certified ThetaHealing Therapist Help Diagnose Black Magic Symptoms?

As no two spells are identical and their objectives are also different, the symptoms of black magic are known to vary too from one individual to another. Other factors like overall health condition, life situations, emotional state, and individuality also influence how severe or not the consequences of an evil spell could be on the victim.

Black magic symptoms are broadly classified into three distinct categories, namely, physical, psychological, and miscellaneous. However, one astonishing commonality you can always find among all these is that they all are typically inexplicable, and you’d never be able to explain them in the light of logic or science. Conventional wisdom and cures wouldn’t be effective either in such cases.

If you experience one or more of the following symptoms, it’s highly recommended to immediately get in touch with a seasoned ThetaHealing specialist without any delay and commence appropriate remedial treatment to facilitate black magic removal at the earliest possible opportunity.

Physical Symptoms

The physical symptoms of black magic are listed below in brief.

a) Skin and eyes becoming gray

b) Atrocious bodily smell and mouth odor

c) Unbearable headaches

d) Uncontrollable seizures

Psychological symptoms

The psychological symptoms of black magic are listed below in brief.

a) Sense of being monitored by someone constantly and paranoia

b) Excessive secretion of tears

c) Chronic depression

d) A vicious cycle of unwisely life decisions

e) Increased susceptibility to annoyance and irritability

f) Heightened forgetfulness

Miscellaneous Symptoms

Other symptoms of black magic that don’t pertain to the above two categories are listed below in brief.

a) Severe, unprecedented misfortune

b) Relationship issues

c) Fear of going outdoors

d) A sudden and unexplained manifestation of destructive personality, for instance, violence and alcoholism

e) Relocating or withdrawal from everything for no apparent cause

What to Expect at Your Black Magic Assessment Session?

All kinds of energy healing and spiritual healing modalities, including ThetaHealing, offer an impeccable safeguard against black magic throughout the lifetime.

The following things are revealed during your black magic diagnosis.

a) Whether an evil spell is present or not and what kind

b) Potential symptoms and black magic victims

c) The spell duration

d) Black magic effects on the victim

e) If the black magic can be reversed and how

f) How much time it’d take for the victim to set one free from the spell

g) The recommended procedures and rituals for neutralizing the black magic

How to Benefit from Black Magic Removal Treatment and Evil Spell Elimination Therapy

The integral role of a ThetaHealing consultant in black magic removal cannot be stressed enough. However, you too can actively play a significant part in accelerating your liberation.

For instance, while the black magic therapy is in full swing, you should also make a point to concentrate only on the positive things in life throughout the evil spell treatment. You can easily achieve this through spiritual affirmation and boundless gratitude.

If you suspect that someone has cast black magic on you or someone you care for, don’t hesitate to call ace ThetaHealing coach Dina Visram for an extensive evaluation of your case along with prompt recourse.

How Does ThetaHealing Work? A Complete Guide

ThetaHealing refers to a healing practice that allows a certified healer to help you attain a height of consciousness by altering the mental, emotional, physical, or spiritual reality. The procedure involves a therapist leveraging the power of theta brainwave frequency for helping an individual realize one’s true potential whilst leading a life of fulfilment and happiness without any misery.

How Does ThetaHealing Work?

When people deviate from their existing beliefs, their experiences also change. ThetaHealing works by tapping into the subconscious mind for transforming the weakened feelings and thoughts into empowering ones.

Through ThetaHealing, trained therapists can identify the limiting thoughts that are trapped inside the subconscious mind. They then replace these restricted thoughts with supportive and positive thoughts.

Experts believe that the subconscious mind can be accessed through your theta brainwave. Electrophysiological monitoring studies have proved that emotions like internal peace and bliss can only be experienced by a person when theta brainwaves are profound.

The theta brainwave effectively functions as a bridge for connecting the subconscious mind to the conscious mind where your long-term memories, experiences, emotions, creativity, inspiration, and spiritual connection are registered.

The therapist consciously (beta) accesses your subconscious (theta) for implementing super learning (gamma) so that your subconscious (theta) can be reprogrammed, and the changes are then transferred (alpha) to your present and conscious (beta) state, for resolving the challenges that you are facing in your life.

Key Advantages of ThetaHealing

ThetaHealing is utilized by practitioners of alternative therapy to treat various deep-rooted feelings and mental problems. It may be used in the following areas –

a) Anger management

b) Lack of confidence

c) Lack of motivation

d) Personality development

e) Trauma

f) Phobias

g) Wellness

h) Bereavement

i) Emotional issues

j) Loneliness

k) Fears

l) Creativity blockage

m) Shame

n) Jealousy

0) Obsession

p) Anxiety

Note that ThetaHealing is also believed to facilitate the manifestation of prosperity, abundance, success, and personal development.

What to Expect in a Typical Session of ThetaHealing?

A usual one-to-one ThetaHealing is performed in a relaxing ambiance. Your therapist will ensure that you remain at ease and comfortable. The practitioner will begin the session by seeking permission to access your energy.

The practitioner will then demonstrate the working principle of muscle testing, which is essentially a practice of kinesiology. The goal is to identify the very thoughts that you have, no matter if they are known to you or not.

Your therapist will then proceed to work on areas where she/ he thinks is troubling you the most. Most people are likely to experience change after the completion of the first session. However, deeper and complicated problems require multiple therapy sessions.

The sequence of execution of events in a standard ThetaHealing session can be summarized as follows:

a) Muscle testing is used by the practitioner for diagnosing any subconscious beliefs that are possibly preventing the individual from realizing one’s true potential

b) The therapist then enters the theta state for identifying the problem that is required to be altered

c) You closely coordinate with the practitioner by divulging any negative thoughts and allow the therapist to reprogram your cells for manifesting the healing

Embrace ThetaHealing Today and Be the Writer of Your Destiny

If you wish to incorporate positive changes in your life in the quickest and most effective manner, call us now to schedule a consultation with Dina Visram today!