Energy Healer

How to Do Cord Cutting Meditation

A cord cutting meditation is an energy practice that allows you to cut someone’s energetic links to you. You build esoteric ties with any other human whenever you have a connection with them, whether it’s a fast discussion or a lengthier relationship. Even if the individual is thousands of miles away, these energy cords keep you linked even if you can’t see them.

If you have energetic links with someone who is negative or draining, you may be leaking energy to them even when you are not in close proximity. You never realize how much of other people’s energy you’ve internalized until you break the cords! You might have energetic ties with a spouse or an ex-partner, a parent, a friend, or a co-worker.

You will discover how to practice cord cutting meditation in this blog. Before you begin this chord cutting meditation, make sure you’re in a comfortable posture.

Step 1: Relax and breathe

  1. Take a few deep breaths closing your eyes.
  2. Put your hand on your abdomen and feel it expand as you breathe in.
  3. Release any negativity as you exhale.
  4. Exhale your day out and let go of whatever bothering you.
  5. Continue to breathe softly in and out until you feel calm and comfortable.

Step 2: Call in the light

  1. Look up with your eyes closed and see or feel the light just over your head.
  2. Think about a tunnel of light that extends from your head to the skies. Recognize that the light is here to assist and support you.
  3. Request that the light channel flood your entire body with light and lovely pleasant energy… filling your head, face, neck… down through your shoulders, arms and hands, chest, abdomen, legs, feet, and into the ground.
  4. Allow yourself to be fully present in your body at this time.
  5. Allow the light to flow through you and connect to the Earth’s center through the earth.
  6. If you’re feeling tense in your body, ask the light to relax and release whatever heaviness you’re holding, and then let it go.
  7. Imagine yourself as a lovely shining ball of light, similar to a dazzling star or a lovely sun.
  8. Feel yourself emitting a beautiful, loving light all around your energy field…

Step 3: Become aware of the cords

  1. Now request the light to shine luminously on any fear-ridden cords that are coming out of your body.
  2. Where they are? What do they feel like?
  3. Take notice of them without judging them as they light up.
  4. Try to sense if there is any cord if you have any sensitive spots on your body.

Step 4: Call in your guidance to cut the cords

  1. It’s now time to invoke a higher power to assist you with the following phase.
  2. Ask God, your spirit guides, your guardian angel, the Archangels, or whichever heavenly direction resonates most strongly with you to assist you with this chord cutting meditation.
  3. Request that your heavenly guidance provides you with a light instrument to help you cut the cord that runs from your heart.
  4. A pair of scissors might be your light instrument… a knife… a sword… Feel what that light instrument is for you by opening your hand.
  5. Take the light tool and make a lovely, relaxed, rapid cut to the cord that is coming from your heart when you’re ready. Swoosh!

Step 5: Send love and light

  1. Now, command your heart to shoot a massive ball of blazing flame to the severed connection.
  2. This blazing, strong flame of love and light will continue to burn and char the cord’s ends.
  3. Imagine the cord sparking as this pure white light goes down the cord to the other end, burning up the cord and any fear-based objectives.
  4. When this flame reaches the other person, it will kindle and be cleansed by love and light… a blessing you are sending to them.
  5. Imagine the light flowing through you becoming into a liquid light that infuses your entire body, quickly cleaning your energy system.
  6. Send dazzling, white light to the area of your body where the chord was, mending it.
  7. Enable the light to dissolve all of your decisions to allow these fear-based programs to manifest in your life.
  8. Request that the light heals everything right now.
  9. If any cables remain, take your light tool and repeat the procedure of cutting the cord, burning it, and sending love sparks to everyone on the other end of it.
  10. Demonstrate to them that they have all they require.

Step 6: Practice gratitude

  1. Allow any dense energy in your environment to be cleaned by sending them up and offering them to a higher power.
  2. You’re now full of love, full of life, and totally alive.
  3. Feel your heart overflowing with appreciation.
  4. Thank your angels, spirit guardian, the Universe, God… whichever divine source of guidance you believe in (if you do), and return your light tool to your heart.
  5. Thank you for taking care of yourself and making a great difference in the world.
  6. As often as possible, ask your subconscious self to remind you to practice your cord cutting meditation and clear your energy.
  7. Now open your eyes.

How to Practice the Cord-Cutting Meditation

If you’ve been on a spiritual journey for a while, or if you’re familiar with visualization meditations, you may be familiar with this practice.

Even if it is unfamiliar territory for you, we are confident you will enjoy it once you give it a try!

What are the benefits of the Cord-Cutting Meditation?

Regularly practicing the cord-cutting meditation will help you recover physically, energetically, change your relationships, and strengthen your overall health.

Why we need to cut the cords

A single person’s energetic change has the potential to have a global effect. An energetic cord will develop between you and another person if you have any kind of connection to them.

Family members, lovers, colleagues, exes, employers, and even people you’ve just met briefly or don’t know personally (think celebrities) will all have energy cords binding them to you. People can send you cords without your knowledge!

These energy cords can be a major hindrance, particularly if they contain negative energy. These cords will bring you down if you have a cord connection to someone you judge, hate, or need to forgive.

If you have an energetic cord with someone you want to see again, such as an ex, a childhood acquaintance, a person with whom you burned a bridge, or even a fling you still obsess about, you almost definitely have an energetic cord with them. This attachment may feel like an enormous burden, and you have no idea where it is coming from!

You can cut cords with people you love, too

The cord-cutting meditation isn’t just about people who aren’t in your life any longer, or who you wish weren’t. Many of these energetic cords, in reality, are likely to lead to people you care about deeply.

You are not cutting this person out of your life by doing this meditation. Cutting the energetic cord that transmits harmful energy is what you’re doing.

You can also cut a positive cord that feels too needy. For example, maybe you have a fantastic friendship but you’re aware that you rely on this person a little too much. Cut the cord and give your relationship a new lease on life!

How the Cord-Cutting Meditation works

You sit comfortably, close your eyes, slow your breathing, and enter a meditative state to practice cord-cutting meditation.

You invite in every sort of guide you believe in, whether it’s angels, God, your inner wisdom, or the Universe, once you feel a sense of calmness wash over you.

In my mind’s eye, you can invite any such power to cut that cord for you.

You can welcome any being or their presence who can cut cords on your behalf. Ask him to go down that list, cutting through those cords with ease.

Say to whatever presence you invite in: “I ask you to cut these cords now.”

You will feel a sense of calm and a lot of support if you do this. Regularly doing this meditation will make you feel happier and healthier as if a weight has been lifted off your shoulders.

This practice has the power to heal, serve, and transform you in miraculous ways.

Experiment with it and have faith in the process. This isn’t just a visualization; it is a change of energy that can help you in ways you can’t imagine.